This project took many twists and turns towards the outcome. Originally this project was aimed towards being the theme for the end-of-year show for the graduating year, unfortunately, we were not successful. However, we talked to the senior lecturer of art and design, Marie Judge about designing for the Sheffield school show. I continued and met with Marie Judge to discuss what she was looking for in regards of branding and presentation of the School show.
For the final part of the project I started working with Adil Ahmed on the developing of the brand, plaques, flyers, poster, award layouts and web designs, this was a to be honest was one of the most challenging collaborations as the timing for this project was right towards the end of the academic year and was a challenge in respect of time management, and in being able to produce a monumental amount of material for two people right before the end of year that everyone could be happy with but we managed it. The logo went through various stages to get to its final form and the one that would take on the 10 different means and colour variations. This main concept of the show showed off the showcasing of the 10 different disciplines being produced from the various schools involved.
When it came to the poster we wanted to keep an element of fun in the design but to be able to balance it out with it being legible and respectable for all ages. It could also be easily translated across a range from posters specifically design towards a younger audience and posters to be used within the show and to the older audience such as teachers and tutors from different schools to be able to gain an interest in participating in the show.